Your one life is precious. Achieve joy, aliveness and intimacy in your relationships. Have the relationship you want and deserve (including the relationship to your Self).
This work transforms both individuals and relationships by changing patterns to enhance growth. It provides both individuals and couples the tools and resources that can transform their lives with meaning and happiness- to live the life they are meant to live.
At a certain point in our life (sometimes at mid-life), we come to a crossroad and get stuck. By doing this WORK, we can transform ourselves into the individual (or couple) we were meant to be.
This transformative work includes tools, education and resources from various therapeutic modalities to maximize benefits and positive outcomes. It will change the hidden patterns that do not work for you. We each have only one life and wish to live the life we were meant to live.
The quality of all our relationships is a direct function of our relationship to ourselves. Most of the drama and dynamics of our relationships with others is expressive of our own psychology. The best thing we can do for our relationship with others then is to render our relationship to ourselves more conscious.
It is true that all transformation begins with each and every one of us. Everything depends on the inner change; when this has taken place, then and only then, does the world change.
Transformation is the primary task… the most sacred, important work. The moment you find your voice… you find grace…